Dame Marina Warner, has commended my fairy tales for their subversive use of narrative in her book about fairy tales: ‘From the Beast to Blonde.’

To Tock or Not To Tick.

An illustrated novel for older children, and adults that still believe in unicorns.

by Jowonder Woodward.

Due to sorcery on earth, the ‘Smart Clock’ has gone wrong and Ayla and her horse now find that they can travel between two worlds: our world, and the Land of Giants.

Ayla must rescue the horses that are being made to work the Smart Clock because they’re slowly turning to clockwork.


I have a first class BA honours in Fine Art, and achieved an MA from the NFTS with my multi award winning film based on my own original narrative; The Brooch Pin and The Sinful Clasp.

Going on to direct and write screenplays for broadcast television, I further trained in performance, and have worked as a professional storyteller. I am now a published writer, and the novel ‘To Tock or Not To Tick is near completion.

In 2003, I achieved – 7407 Stage 1, City and Guilds, Teaching Adults, Westminster College.